Un recopilatorio estremecedor de Dj Recchia Soul aka Alfie.
Lo malo: que vienen todas las canciones juntas, en un solo archivo. Me lo pasó Pedro, y esta es la lista de tracks:
Della Reese "i got the blues" lp (i gotta be...tis trip out)
Salena Jones "right now" lp (Salena jones with Keith Mansfiedl orchestra) only Polskie issue
Bobby Guy "Good Enough" apt wd
Gloria Grey "Sweet Wolrd" Wb
Jasper Woods "hully gully pap" vip
Sonny Forrest "Travellin' " verve
Joe Simon "just like yesterday" Irral
Joe Tex "i wanna be free" dial
Garnet Mimms "as long as have you" lp (as lons as have you u.a.)
Little Willie John "I'm shakin" Delta (canadian press)
Len Barry "rainy side of the street" rca victor
Mickey Murray "East of nowhere " lp (shout bamalama sss international)
Nathaniell Mayer "want love and affection" Fortune
Jimmie "the preacher" Ellis "I'm gonna do it by myself" Jewel
Jarvis Jackson "The long dog" sims
Lula Collins "hold me jesus" luna
First Family "Slow Down" washington
Marvelle Hampton "truly believe in you" Pygglo
Inell Young "what do you see in her" Libra
Exit 9 "i love you, I love you completely" Zafiro
Fantastic Soul Invention "Bim Sala bim" Disco Soul
Tony Morgan "why build a mountain" Berkley
The Lumpen "Bobby free now" seize the time
El link de la semana, oiga. No dejes de bajártelo.
Un slideshow alucinante con las fotografías que tomó Paul Fusco el 8 de junio de 1968 desde el tren que llevaba el ataúd de Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy.